Praying for Protection: Why religious sites must have Bleed Control Ki — Tytek Group Skip to content

Praying for Protection: Why religious sites must have Bleed Control Kits

Repercussions of the deadly attack on Muslims in Christchurch, New Zealand by a self proclaimed ‘white supremacist’ is reaching Nigeria.

An irate police officer ploughed his truck into a group of children celebrating Easter last Sunday in Gombe.

11 were left dead and 30 wounded - all allegedly aged between 6-22.

The leader of the interdenominational Christian group, Boys Brigade, in Gombe, said the driver had drove into the procession ‘on purpose’.

Just a few weeks prior to this, islamist militants executed 17 Christians and left 8 wounded in a church in Nasawara, a state in the north central zone of Nigeria.

Armed terrorists opened fire during an ‘infant dedication’, killing the Childs mother and multiple children.

This comes as a wave of deadly attacks hit Sri Lanka during Easter Sunday.

A man with a large backpack was seen walking into St Sebastian's church in Negombo city.

Moments later, at least a hundred people were killed in an explosion.

More than 300 people are now known to have been killed in blasts across the country.

These shocking attacks are are tapping into global worries about safety at religious sites and highlight the need to add protective measures to places of worship.

In the UK, ministers have announced that £.1.6m will be available for religious organisations to increase security.

Places of worship are being urged to apply for the fund in July - which has been doubled since last year.

Emergency preparedness will not only enable the perseveration of life, but give peace of mind to churchgoers - which is so desperately needed at this fragile time.

Should the unthinkable happen, TyTek’s Bleed Control Kits will empower innocent people to deliver life-saving trauma care.

Our wall-mountable kits were developed for military, but are now an effective way to treat injuries in civilian environments.

The kits contain; an instruction card, medical gloves, a compression bandage, pirhana trauma shears, a permanent marker, a windlass tourniquet and a z-fold gauze.

The perforated kits can be opened quickly and easily, ultimately offering military-grade protection for civilians caught up in a mass casualty incident.

After the recent string of attacks, it’s vital that emergency preparedness is on every religious sites radar.

Please contact our international team of experts to find out more.

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