U.S. Gun Culture - What can TyTek do to help prevent fatalities? — Tytek Group Skip to content
U.S. Gun Culture statistics - What can TyTek do to help prevent fatalities from gun related wounds?

U.S. Gun Culture statistics - What can TyTek do to help prevent fatalities from gun related wounds?

Over the past year, it’s not unknown how severe the mass shooting numbers are in the US, as so far there have been 540 incidents reported and verified according to the Gun Violence Archive year to date. So what can we do at TyTek Medical to help prevent and reduce the amount of fatalities from gun related wounds?

US Gun Culture Statistics

“Nearly 53 people are killed each day by a firearm in the US, according to the data. 

The data also shows that the vast majority of murders, 79%, were carried out with guns. 

That's a significantly larger proportion of homicides than is the case in Canada, Australia, England and Wales, and many other countries.” - BBC

image credits BBC - Gun violence statistics

Seeing these statistics as a visual really shows the intense situation that the US are in, compared to other countries. Why is it so important to highlight these statistics? As of recent months we have seen much devastation such as the Ulvade and Buffalo shootings, resulting in many lives tragically lost. Whilst we cannot amend the laws of gun control, there are many things we can do as a business to help support the general public and first responders when it comes to attending these incidents and save lives.

Every minute matters to save a life, so we must act fast. 

35% of pre-hospital fatalities are due to bleeding from a traumatic injury. This is a high statistic that we can reduce if we have more access to user-friendly medical supplies as well as better understanding of bleeding control. As a general member of the public, it’s not hugely common to have first aid training unless requested per job role. However, having basic first aid knowledge as well as bleeding control should never be under-estimated, as you never know when you could be a witness to a medical emergency. There are first responders which we usually refer to as paramedics or other medical personnel however, bystanders to a medical emergency are referred to as zero responders, as they are there even before first responders attend. 

Anybody can be a zero responder and with the unfortunate rise in mass shootings over the past few years, it’s vital now more than ever to take action and educate yourselves on how to control a bleed. We have educational videos and information on this topic which you can view here. Almost every day, we see and hear about civilians who have suffered traumatic injuries following an incident or accident. As a result, we have catered for the treatment of point-of-injury bleeding in public spaces. 

Our bleeding control products are available for the workplace or a public space

We have created multiple bleeding control products that allow first responders to administer life-saving trauma care, stabilizing patients until they can be transported. Anybody could be a witness to a bleed such as a critical injury on a ski slope, on the side of the road, a mass casualty incident or a terrorist attack. Our products have been made with the end-user in mind, whether you are completely new to first aid or a professional. 

In recent months we’ve seen some extremely traumatic mass shootings, so it’s key to have quick access to bleeding control stations such as in schools, transport hubs, or houses of worship. Please take a look at what we have to offer here and don’t hesitate to get in touch to enquire further, whether you are a zero or first responder. We can educate, equip and empower each other to save lives. 

Follow us on our social media to stay up to date with future training workshops and more at TyTek Medical.


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