National Stop the Bleed Month with TyTek Medical — Tytek Group Skip to content
Stop the bleed month - with TyTek Medical

National Stop the Bleed Month with TyTek Medical

Being able to control a severe bleed is vital knowledge for everybody to own. Whether you are medically trained or a complete beginner, you never know when you may witness a medical emergency. This May is the 5th annual national STOP THE BLEED® Month, and it’s our duty to inform you all about the different ways you can become better medically educated, equipped and empowered to stop a bleed and save lives.


“STOP THE BLEED® is a DoD program and the College of Surgeons, along with the American Red Cross and the American Heart Association whom are part of the over 500 organizations licensed by DoD to provide STB training. In total, we have about 125,000 instructors providing STB training in over 120 countries.” -

The evolution of the STOP THE BLEED® program was also influenced by world events such as the tragic mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012. Since then, mass shootings in the US have dramatically increased, having seen 647 in 2022 according to the Gun Violence Archive (A mass shooting is considered by GVA to have 4 or more people involved.) We’ve already witnessed some terrible events this year alone, such as the recent Alabama shooting at a 16th birthday party and the Nashville elementary school shooting back in March. 

It’s our job to bring awareness to STOP THE BLEED® 

As a manufacturer of compact, pre-hospital emergency medical supplies for trauma care, it’s our duty of care to provide education surrounding how to stop a severe bleed to anybody who needs it. 

💡 Approximately 40% of trauma-related deaths worldwide are due to bleeding.

If you, a family member, friend, or colleague, suffered a catastrophic bleed – Would you know what to do next? Recent medical research has revealed that there is a platinum ten-minute period once a catastrophic bleed has started. If you can react effectively at this time, you will be able to save lives - therefore it’s absolutely vital to get the training you need to do this. There are many ways you can gain this knowledge such as watching educational videos from our hub such as the video below:

However, these are not to replace the formal bleeding control training you would need, but only provide refresher information. You can attend a STOP THE BLEED® online or in-person course to gain the correct skills and become confident in case of a medical emergency: find a course here. 

Dress for less with TyTek Medical

In celebration of STOP THE BLEED® month, we are offering a discount on all of our top-class bandage products, so you can be equipped with medical products that you can rely on during treatment of a severe bleed. Our bandages:

  • Are simple and effective pressure dressings
  • Provide hemorrhage control for abdominal and large extremity wounds
  • Offer effective wound packing
  • Are vacuum sealed for maximum portability

STOP THE BLEED month - TyTek Medical Bandages

 Product MOQ Price Per Unit
TM-2150 EZ Gauze 2,000 US$ 1.21
5,000 US$ 1.08
10,000 US$ 0.99
TM-204 - 4" Bandage 500
US$ 2.22
US$ 2.13
TM-206- 6" Bandage
US$ 2.84 
US$ 2.68
TM-212 - Abdominal Bandage 500 US$ 3.45


To order, please get in touch with our team today. Follow us on our social media to stay up to date with important world news, and medical topics as well as what we’re up to at TyTek.

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