A horrific mass stabbing attack in Canada results in 10 fatalities, le — Tytek Group Skip to content
A horrific mass stabbing attack in Canada results in 10 fatalities, leaving extreme shock across the country

A horrific mass stabbing attack in Canada results in 10 fatalities, leaving extreme shock across the country

A shocking turn of events has descended across Canada, resulting in a manhunt for 2 suspects. 2 men have been suspected of stabbing at least 10 people, who have tragically lost their lives along with a minimum of 15 others who are injured. This largely unusual event has left the nation in shock which occurred in the remote indigenous community James Smith Cree Nation and nearby Weldon.

A horrific mass stabbing attack in Canada results in 10 fatalities

‘It is one of the deadliest acts of mass violence Canada has seen. PM Justin Trudeau said it was "heartbreaking".’ - BBC News

Currently, the police are unsure of what the motive behind the sporadic attacks are, but they believe that some of the victims were targeted, whilst others were at random. The mass violence attack appeared to have been door-to-door, described as a ‘rapidly unfolding event.’ The police received a call of a stabbing at the James Smith Cree Nation first at 5:40am with multiple calls following afterwards. The current state is that the 2 suspects were last seen traveling in a black Nissan Rogue SUV, license plate no. 119 MPI, but could have switched vehicles. The last sighting of the vehicle was in Regina, the provincial capital, at 11:45 a.m.

As news of the stabbings broke, a dangerous person alert was sent to all mobile phones across the provinces of Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Alberta - a measure taken by police to protect further incidents as well as advice to stay in a secure location. Chakastaypasin Chief Calvin Sanderson said "They were our relatives, friends. Mostly we're all related here, so it's pretty hard," Mr Sanderson said. "It's pretty horrific." - BBC News

Firstly, we want to send our deepest condolences to everyone affected across Canada, it’s a huge tragedy and terrifying for many. An attack like this is brutal and sickening, we hope that the suspects are found and brought to justice. Saskatchewan Health Authority states "They are considered armed and dangerous... If you see the suspects or their vehicle, do not approach them, immediately leave the area and call 911."

Statistics from Johns Hopkins Medicine in 2018 showed that a severe bleed from a stab wound can result in a higher amount of deaths than a bullet wound, depending on the location of the wound. Both are hugely important to act fast and stop the bleed, in order to save lives. Although we sincerely hope this kind of event doesn’t happen again, we are here to provide support to all zero responders before a first responder arrives. Do you have appropriate first aid supplies in your home or workplace?

TyTek Medical are here to provide point-of-injury bleeding control care, saving lives.

Our bleeding control stations are suitable for many public places, in a bid to provide point-of-injury trauma care. Whilst defibrillators are a necessary medical device for instant care, we believe that bleeding control supplies should be just as important, as 35% of pre-hospital fatalities are due to bleeding from a traumatic injury. Providing access to user-friendly bleed control supplies is crucial, especially for such tragic events in Canada. Our wall-mounted stations are a viable solution to preventing fatalities from a severe bleed, and are easy to use for all kinds of first-aid skill sets. We also provide our education hub, for free and informative tutorials on how to treat severe bleeds which you can check out here. 

We aim to provide as much support as possible when it comes to all things medical, if you were affected by the attack in Canada and you’re looking for more information on how to become better medically prepared, please get in touch with our friendly team and we are happy to help.

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